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Andris Ludvigs made his debut at the Latvian National Opera as Nemorino in Donizetti’s L’elisird’amore in 2009.


His repertoire includes Don Jose, Mario Cavaradossi, Tots (Imants Kalniņš’s I Played, I Danced), Ivan Likov, Pinkerton, Luigi (Puccini’s Il tabarro), Raitis (Skulte’s The Heiress of Vilkači), and Froh (Wagner’s Das Rheingold).


Andris Ludvigs sung Luigi in Puccini’s Il Tabarro at the National Theatre in Zagreb, Alfredo in Verdi’s La traviata at the Lithuanian National Opera, and the Estonian National Opera, Tannhauser at the Novosibirsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre.


He has performed at the Royal Opera House
Muscat, at the Minsk Opera Festival, in the concert halls of Lisbon, Minsk, New York, Toronto, and Saint Petersburg.


Andris Ludvigs is a laureate of the annual Latvijas Gāze Award as the Best Opera Soloist of the Year (2010).

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