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Jānis Porietis

Jānis Porietis is the LNSO’s principal trumpet since 2016, member of the orchestra since 2007. Lecturer at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, head of the Brass Instrument Class at the Department of Wind, Brass and Percussions. Frequent teacher of workshops in Latvia and other countries. Active chamber music performer, collaborates with organists on a regular basis. Principal trumpet of the Sinfonietta Rīga orchestra from 2006 to 2016. First brass player to be nominated for Latvia’s Grand Music Award (2015).

Jānis Porietis started learning the trumpet at the age of ten, and his teachers include Pēteris Kaldre, Ēriks Berzinskis, Maija Lāce, Reijer Dorrestein (in the Netherlands), and Pasi Pirinen (in Finland). 

Having graduated from the JVLMA, Jānis moved to the USA where he spent three and a half years studying at the University of Kansas with the outstanding trumpeter Steve Leisring, earning a doctor’s degree in music. Active member of the university symphony and wind orchestra and the Kansas Brass Quintet (KBQ) at his faculty during his years of study. His solo performance in concert at the New York Carnegie Hall earned particular attention from a reviewer from The New York Times. He also participated in Barack Obama’s inauguration parade with the university’s trumpet ensemble.

Despite enticing job offers in the USA and China, Jānis returned to Latvia to perform, teach music and work as a professional photographer.

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