Ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs"
Viens no populārākajiem pilsētas tūrisma un atpūtas objektiem ir Ventspils brīvostas ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs". No maija līdz oktobrim tas 5–7 reizes dienā atiet no piestātnes Tirgus un Ostas ielu krustojumā. 45 minūšu vai 1 h 05 minūšu brauciena laikā Jums ir iespēja aplūkot Ventas upes grīvu, vecpilsētu un Ventspils brīvostas industriālo teritoriju un jūras vārtus. Uz kuģīša ir 150 vietu.
Kuģīša kursēšanas grafiks augustā
Darba dienās: 10.00, 12.00*, 14.00, 16.00*, 18.00, 19.00
Sestdienās, svētdienās un svētku dienās: 10.00, 11.30*, 13.00, 14.30, 16.00*, 17.30, 19.00
For Children: LeNeSOn and Musical Productions LeNeSON
The Latvian National Symphony Orchestra (LNSO) has created the LeNeSOn concert series to introduce children with classical music and educate them about it. Each series consists of four educational concert productions per season for pre-schoolers and young schoolchildre. The repertoire is suitable for a children’s audience and the programme is supplemented by a storyline and content. The concert series for children is the LNSO’s tradition for already a decade, sparking interest in classical music, musical instruments, and hit compositions by composers of different nations and eras for the youngest listeners, as well as the adults accompanying them.
LeNeSOn, the central character of the concert productions, has become the mascot of LNSO’s children’s concerts over the years. LeNeSOn participates in the concerts, helping to discover the orchestra’s secrets through real-life examples, sometimes funny, sometimes serious. Addtionally, the young audience are taught and educated about proper behaviour in classical music concerts. Breaks between the concert parts are dedicated to children’s creative expression: learning about musical instruments, playing games, and engaging in other activities.
Andris Vecumnieks is the music director and conductor of the concert series since the LeNeSOn’s inception.
For the second seaon, the dramatist and director of LeNeSOn productions is Andris Kalnozols.
LeNeSOn is impersonated by actors Valdis Vanags and Aleksejs Geiko.
LeNeSOn concert series take place in the Latvian and Russian language.
A seasonal pass is available for each LeNeSOn concert series. The pass can be purchased until the first concert of the season. For more information, click here.