Ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs"
Viens no populārākajiem pilsētas tūrisma un atpūtas objektiem ir Ventspils brīvostas ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs". No maija līdz oktobrim tas 5–7 reizes dienā atiet no piestātnes Tirgus un Ostas ielu krustojumā. 45 minūšu vai 1 h 05 minūšu brauciena laikā Jums ir iespēja aplūkot Ventas upes grīvu, vecpilsētu un Ventspils brīvostas industriālo teritoriju un jūras vārtus. Uz kuģīša ir 150 vietu.
Kuģīša kursēšanas grafiks augustā
Darba dienās: 10.00, 12.00*, 14.00, 16.00*, 18.00, 19.00
Sestdienās, svētdienās un svētku dienās: 10.00, 11.30*, 13.00, 14.30, 16.00*, 17.30, 19.00
Mārtiņš Circenis
Mārtiņš Circenis is the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra’s principal clarinetist since 2015, and solo clarinetist of the Latvian National Opera orchestra since 2006. Since January 2020 also principal clarinetist of chamber orchestra Sinfonietta Riga. Member of the LNSO since 2002. Former member of the Riga Chamber Musicians chamber orchestra and the Riga Festival Orchestra. Lecturer at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music since 2011. Latvia’s Grand Music Award nominee for Outstanding Work in an Ensemble in 2013.
Mārtiņš is the laureate of international competitions, including second prize in the Concertino Praga competition. He has performed as a soloist with the Riga Chamber Musicians, Sinfonia concertante, JVLMA student orchestra, and the LNSO. Former member of the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester. He has partaken in several recordings on the radio. Founder of the woodwind instrument quintet Quintus anima. Mārtiņš has played in a chamber ensemble together with Agnese Egliņa; both musicians won the first prize in the JVLMA competition Best Students’ Chamber Ensemble in 2005.
Mārtiņš Circenis studied at the Emīls Dārziņš Music School in the class of Gunārs Kļaviņš, an at the JVLMA with Ģirts Pāže and his father Sigurds Circenis. He received his master’s degree from the City of Basel Music Academy in 2011, class of François Benda.