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Rokas Zubovas

Rokas ZUBOVAS is a Lithuanian pianist. He has been lecturing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre Piano Department since 2000 and, before that, he spent six years teaching at the Saint Xavier University in Chicago, Illinois.


He started learning the piano in his hometown Kaunas, earned his bachelor’s from the Lithuanian Academy of Music in Vilnius and master’s from the DePaul University in Chicago. He also attended the International Heinrich Neuhaus Institute in Zurich.


Winner of the Frinna Awerbuch International Piano Competition in New York and M. K. Čiurlionis International Piano Competition in Vilnius. Concert performances in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Switzerland, Norway, France, Italy, Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, and other countries. Zubovas frequently performs with his wife, pianist Sonata Deveikytė‑Zubovienė, and he often plays works by his great-grandfather, Lithuanian composer and painter Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis. He has also recorded several CDs dedicated to his great‑grandfather.

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