Ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs"
Viens no populārākajiem pilsētas tūrisma un atpūtas objektiem ir Ventspils brīvostas ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs". No maija līdz oktobrim tas 5–7 reizes dienā atiet no piestātnes Tirgus un Ostas ielu krustojumā. 45 minūšu vai 1 h 05 minūšu brauciena laikā Jums ir iespēja aplūkot Ventas upes grīvu, vecpilsētu un Ventspils brīvostas industriālo teritoriju un jūras vārtus. Uz kuģīša ir 150 vietu.
Kuģīša kursēšanas grafiks augustā
Darba dienās: 10.00, 12.00*, 14.00, 16.00*, 18.00, 19.00
Sestdienās, svētdienās un svētku dienās: 10.00, 11.30*, 13.00, 14.30, 16.00*, 17.30, 19.00
Santa Vižine

SANTA VIŽINE has been a violist of the Amsterdam Royal Concertgebouw
Orchestra since 2017 and the principal viola since January 2022. From 2019 to 2021 she was the principal viola of the chamber orchestra Kremerata Baltica, where she has performed with such outstanding soloists as Martha Argerich, Mischa Maisky, Daniil Trifonov, and others.
She has played at the Carnegie Hall in New York City, the Royal Albert Hall in London, the Sydney Opera House, and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, among other venues. She has performed as a soloist with Kremerata Baltica, the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra, and others. In 2021, she recorded Canzona Sonata by Latvian composer Tālivaldis Ķeniņš together with the LNSO and conductor Guntis Kuzma.