Ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs"
Viens no populārākajiem pilsētas tūrisma un atpūtas objektiem ir Ventspils brīvostas ekskursiju kuģītis "Hercogs Jēkabs". No maija līdz oktobrim tas 5–7 reizes dienā atiet no piestātnes Tirgus un Ostas ielu krustojumā. 45 minūšu vai 1 h 05 minūšu brauciena laikā Jums ir iespēja aplūkot Ventas upes grīvu, vecpilsētu un Ventspils brīvostas industriālo teritoriju un jūras vārtus. Uz kuģīša ir 150 vietu.
Kuģīša kursēšanas grafiks augustā
Darba dienās: 10.00, 12.00*, 14.00, 16.00*, 18.00, 19.00
Sestdienās, svētdienās un svētku dienās: 10.00, 11.30*, 13.00, 14.30, 16.00*, 17.30, 19.00
Trīna Rūbela
Triin Ruubel is an Estonian violinist who performs throughout Europe as a soloist and a chamber musician. Since April 2015 she holds the position of concertmaster of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. Born to a musical family in Tallinn, she began her first violin lessons at the age of six and entered the Tallinn Music High School. She recieved her Artist Diploma in Germnay at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock, in the class of Prof. Petru Munteanu.
Triin has performed as a soloist with Riga Sinfonietta, Haydn Orchestra Bolzano, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre des Jeunes d'Île-de-France (OJIF), Philarmonia of the Nations, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Philharmonisches Orchester Vorpommern and the Norddeutsche Philharmonie Rostock, with conductors like Neeme Järvi, Paavo Järvi, Arvo Volmer and Justus Frantz.
Triin’s interest in contemporary music has lead to collaborations with Wolfgang Rihm, Peter Ruzicka, Erkki-Sven Tüür, Jörg Widmann and others. Contemporary music has an important place in her solo repertoire.
She has also appeared as a guest Concertmaster with the Deutsche Kammerphilarmonie Bremen and Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France. Being very keen on teaching, she joined the teaching facutly of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater in September 2015. She teaches regularly at the Järvi Academy of the Pärnu Music Festival.
2020 Triin's debut CD with Edward Elgar's Violin Concerto was released. It was recorded with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and conductor Neeme Järvi.